Region:North West England
Technique:Casting, Kiln work
Discipline:Design, Functional, Sculptural
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Exhibition, Marketing, Networking, Publications
Country:United Kingdom
Nicola Thompson
Glass and metal, water and Spirit. Water is the inspiration for the Art 2014 Collection, for its qualities of purity, vastness, movement and healing. Abstract compositions evolve through experiments within the kiln which enhance my knowledge of materials and techniques and my desire to be an inventor in the contemporary crafts world.
Sea after the Storm , 30cm Wave Glass Bowl 2013

Indian Ocean 2014 , Kiln Formed Glass with Steel 2014
Sea The Best of Days , 30cm Glass Platter 2013
Sea Shadow 2014 , Kin Formed Glass and Steel 2014
Sea Under the Wave , 30cm Glass Wave Bowl 2013
Meditation 2 2014 , Kiln Formed Glass with Steel 2014

Wave , Kiln Formed Glass and Steel 2014
Sea after the Storm , 20cm Deep Glass Bowl 2013
Pools of Light 2014 , Fused Glass, kiln formed with Steel 2014