News | 14-04-2021

Glass Sellers and CGS Glass Prize for graduates from 2020 and 2021

All contemporary glass students graduating from a British or Irish accredited course in 2020 and 2021 are eligible to enter the 2021 Graduate Prize, with the opportunity to be featured in the CGS’s New Graduate Review publication and an online exhibition on the CGS website. Graduates from both years can take part, as the 2020 prize was cancelled owing to the pandemic.

CGS Glass Prize and New Graduate Review Application 2021

As we emerge from an exceedingly difficult year, the CGS wishes to support graduates at the beginning of what we hope will be long careers in glass making.

The Glass Prize offers prize bundles of cash, vouchers, CGS memberships, subscriptions and books, alongside the chance to be featured in the 16-page New Graduate Review, which will be circulated widely to colleges, museums and CGS members. It will also be distributed in the prestigious Neues Glas – New Glass: Art & Architecture publication, which has a worldwide circulation, providing valuable publicity for new graduates.

There will be one winner, one second prize, two runners-up prizes and several commendations, and the selected work will be showcased in the New Graduate Review, as well as being featured in an online exhibition on the CGS website.

The first prize includes:

  • £500 cash
  • £200 vouchers from Creative Glass UK
  • A promotional package, including cover & feature in the New Graduate Review
  • Two years’ CGS membership
  • A year’s subscription to Neues Glas – New Glass: Art & Architecture magazine
  • a selection of glass-related books from Alan J Poole.

 Second Prize

  • £150 cash
  • £100 voucher from Warm Glass
  • One year’s membership of CGS
  • A year’s subscription to Neues Glas – New Glass: Art & Architecture magazine

2 x Runners Up

  • £50 voucher from Pearson’s Glass
  • One year’s membership of CGS
  • A year’s subscription to Neues Glas – New Glass: Art & Architecture magazine.

Applications close at 5pm (UK time) on 12 July 2021. Submissions must be made digitally and comprise a completed application form and digital images.

A panel of experts will select the winners and the decision will be announced on 1 August 2021.

CGS is grateful to all the sponsors for this year’s prize, including: The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London Charity Fund, Professor Michael Barnes MC FRCP, Creative Glass UK, Pearsons Glass, Warm Glass, Neues Glas and Alan J Poole.

Download the application form via this link.

Feature image: ‘The Fading Call of the Curlew’, by the 2019 Glass Prize winner, Katie Spiers. Original photo credit: Hannah Bloom.

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