Please confirm the type of membership you wish
to purchase

Membership type *

Membership options *

Total Amount: £ 0.00

Tick Europe if in Europe, tick World if not in UK or Europe.

Please note the number you provide here will be used by CGS to communicate with you about your membership in case of queries. You will be able to add a phone number to your public profile in the Members’ Directory later should you wish to.


By purchasing a subscription your details will be held on a database. As a subscriber you will be automatically contacted to let you know when your current subscription is about to expire and receive reminders should you forget to renew.

In order for CGS to comply with current Data Protection legislation, we ask you to complete one of the following boxes, if you tick yes we shall be able to send you emails full of useful information about CGS activities and events in the glass world.

If you have ticked yes, that you wish to be sent useful information, CGS will from time to time contact you with details about CGS events, special offers, news and other relevant information. We will not pass your details on to any 3rd parties.

Please see our privacy policy for full details of how CGS will store and use your data.

Total Amount: £ 0.00

Become a Member