Region:North West England

Technique:Leaded and stained, Painting

Occupation:Artist, Student

Discipline:Architectural, Decorative

Areas of Interest:Techniques, Exhibition, Networking

Product:Commission, Windows

Country:United Kingdom


Nerida Whale

Having previously worked with Fused Glass I am now an Apprentice at Eden Stained Glass, covering everything from conservation to new commissions. Having never considered myself a painter I am now particularly enjoying painting on glass in a variety of forms/techniques ranging from historical to contemporary/experimental.

I currently have a piece in the BSMGP ‘Inspired by William Morris’ exhibition which started at the International Festival of Glass and is now moving to The Stained Glass Museum at Ely Cathedral till 31st October, after which it will move to Rochdale Town Hall.

BSMGP Exhibition piece

Commission piece