

Region:South East England

World country:United Kingdom

Technique:Kiln work, Leaded and stained, Painting

Occupation:Artist, Educator

Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art

Areas of Interest:Conferences, Exhibition, Workshops

Product:Wall pieces, Windows, Architectural, Fine Art, Commission

Country:United Kingdom


Facebook: Cloverdale Glass Studio. Instagram: cloverdale_glass_studio. TikTok: cloverdale_glass_studio

Wendy Atkins

I am Wendy Atkins, of Cloverdale Glass Studio. I am based in the heart of the Kent countryside, on the outskirts of the beautiful seaside town of Deal. My surroundings and worldwide travel inspire my work, adding day to day scenes of what I see around me, from the crops in the fields to the Buzzards floating on thermals, being `buzzed’ by Rooks, to incorporating my photography into printed glass. Working mainly with glass, I create stained glass artwork in Tiffany and traditional leaded styles, also fused glass, engraved, painted and printed, to achieve a greater level of character and detail. The work I create ranges from small fused bowls and `sun catchers’ to small windows and everything in between. Having been advised by parents at the tender age of 17, that the life of an artist would not provide me with a career, I ventured into the fire service, law and fostering to name but a few of my previous professions. I re discovered my love of art when we moved to our current home and saw the need for a stained glass transom and off I went to evening classes to make my own. From that point I have found a fire and passion which will not be extinguished and that love has steadily grown as has my experience in this an other art forms. I continue to learn and grow and have undertaken courses in screen printing on glass with the renowned James Cockerell of HALT glass studio and painting on glass with the talented Rachel Mulligan, Derek Hunt and latterly Ellen van Dijk. I have also studied fusing with the world renowned Erna Piechna. I aim to always remain the `pupil’ and continue to attend art classes to discover new techniques and styles. I am not restricted by my limitations! I `just give it a go’ and joyfully it mainly works out well and I love the process! I also share my studio with people wishing to explore the wonderful world of glass.

I am currently exploring traditional painting on glass methods, in order to grow in that direction. Recent projects have seen me depicting local country scenes and creating further stained glass windows in my own home, reflecting countryside scenes around me.
My regular classes keep me busy in the encouragement and gentle guidance of my fellow local stained glass artists and watching them grow in confidence and skill is enormously rewarding.

The Lark Ascending , Wendy Atkins

Summer at Cloverdale , Wendy Atkins

Honey Bee Lantern , Wendy Atkins

Dusk at Cloverdale , Wendy Atkins

Agapanthus and Alliums , Wendy Atkins