

Technique:Engraving, Hot glass


Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Techniques, Workshops

Product:Commission, Design/ Functional/ interiors, Fine Art

Country:United Kingdom

County:South Yorkshire

Alix Costin

I am an Illustrator and Glassblower who uses a hand-engraving technique to combine the two craft processes. My fascination with detail especially within flora and fauna and my love of animals, combined with my background in characterful illustration and drawing, inspires my designs and processes. By using this hand technique, I hope to capture this inspiration onto glass. I have loved drawing all my life, and am constantly developing my style and experimenting with different methods - pushing the boundaries of my craft. Being able to progress my observational drawings further, using a different medium, whilst capturing the character of the original drawing, excites me and I look forward to seeing how this hand technique can be developed.

My piece ‘Fetch’ is inspired by walks in my local park. Whilst on these walks I play fetch with my dog and collect foliage I find on the ground, which I then take home to draw from in order to create an illustrated log; like a foliage map of the park. ‘Fetch’ reflects the social areas which people use every day, and that we all take for granted. I feel walking a dog in a park is a simple, yet highly social activity which brings you closer to your local community.

Fetch (Stacked) , Nigel Essex

Fetch (Outer Piece) , Nigel Essex

Alix in the Hotshop , Michael Costin

Fetch (Centre Piece) , Nigel Essex

Alix Engraving , Alex Cook