Technique:Engraving, Hot glass
Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Techniques, Workshops
Product:Commission, Design/ Functional/ interiors, Fine Art
Country:United Kingdom
County:South Yorkshire
Alix Costin
My piece ‘Fetch’ is inspired by walks in my local park. Whilst on these walks I play fetch with my dog and collect foliage I find on the ground, which I then take home to draw from in order to create an illustrated log; like a foliage map of the park. ‘Fetch’ reflects the social areas which people use every day, and that we all take for granted. I feel walking a dog in a park is a simple, yet highly social activity which brings you closer to your local community.

Fetch (Stacked) , Nigel Essex

Fetch (Outer Piece) , Nigel Essex
Alix in the Hotshop , Michael Costin

Fetch (Centre Piece) , Nigel Essex

Alix Engraving , Alex Cook