Technique:Casting, Cold work, Kiln work
Occupation:Artist, Educator, Student
Discipline:Fine art, Installation, Public art
Areas of Interest:Advertising, Competitions, Conferences, Education, Exhibition, Manufacturing, Marketing, Networking, Publications, Sponsorship, Supplies, Technical queries, Techniques, Workshops
Country:United States
Geoffrey Bowton
Recent conversations with viewers, have instilled confidence about this work making a necessary difference in the arts, expressing that it needs more exposure. I am seeking ways to confront, discuss and relate to what these challenges present for not only myself, but other transitioning veterans. This work establishes new possibilities and ideas which I believe will contribute to a learning opportunity within the art and veteran communities, moreover, healing for those who need support.

PTSD 2 , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Series: lost components-flashlight , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Series: lost components-boots , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Effect: the soldier series , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Series: lost components-gloves , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Saints & Savages , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Series: lost components-notebook , Photo: Mario Gallucci

PTSD 1 , Photo: Mario Gallucci

Contagion Series: lost components-canteen , Photo: Mario Gallucci

PTSD 2 , Photo: Mario Gallucci