Region:South East England
Technique:Cold work, Hot glass, Kiln work
Occupation:Artist, Collector
Discipline:Decorative, Jewellery, Other
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Conferences, Exhibition, Marketing, Networking, Techniques
Country:United Kingdom
Martin Cheek
2008 Four Seasons Mosaic. Bradstow School, Broadstairs, Kent, UK
2008 Turner to Dickens Flagship Walking Route: Turner Mosaics, Holy Trinity School, Margate, Kent, UK
2008 Turner to Dickens Flagship Walking Route: Dickens Mosaics, Upton School, Broadstairs, Kent, UK
2007 Oast House Mosaic. Bower Grove School, Maidstone, Kent, UK.
2007 Totem Pole tiled panels. South Borough Primary School, Maidstone, Kent, UK.
2006 Snake tiled Panel. South Borough Primary School, Maidstone, Kent, UK.
2006 Turner Triptych. Thanet Mencap, Cliftonville, Kent, UK.
2005 Four Seasons Paving Slabs & Sundial. Thanet Mind Garden Gate, Kent, UK.
2000 Canterbury Tales Mosaic: The Priest.St Augustine’s Abbey Canterbury, Kent, UK.
2000 Asaratron. Unswept floor for museum entrance.Roman Museum, Canterbury, Kent, UK.
1999 Cheeky Birds Tree of Life. Sheerness Library, Kent, UK.
1997 The Tale of Taliesin Mosaic. The Museum of Modern Art Wales, UK.
1996 Peace Mosaic to celebrate the anniversary of V.E. Day. National Army Museum, London, UK.


Byzantine Peacocks


Pink Catfish

Oliver Postgate Memorial Mosaic: The Clangers

Pink Pheasant

Sicily Leopards

Bernese Hound