Technique:Casting, Kiln work, Painting
Discipline:Fine art, Sculptural
Areas of Interest:Exhibition, Techniques
Product:Commission, Fine Art, Sculpture
Country:United Kingdom
County:Orkney Islands
Chimene Taylor
I have been exploring ways of introducing tapestry weaving in my glass pieces and several of my sculptures are partly woven. This is an area which I plan to develop further.
Covid has had a major impact in my life both personally and professionally. The ‘mask’ is something I live with every day and I felt compelled to portray as a symbol of our lives over the last few years.
Organic , Chimene Taylor Glass

The New Norm , Chimene Taylor Glass

Connections , Chimenetaylorglass

cascade , Chimene Taylor Glass

Green layers , Chimene Taylor Glass
Crystallite , Chimene Taylor Glass

Green , Chimenetaylor glass

the birds , Chimene Taylor Glass

Green petals , Chimene Taylor Glass