
World country:Uruguay

Technique:Cold work, Kiln work, Painting


Discipline:Decorative, Functional, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Exhibition, Techniques

Product:Design/ Functional/ interiors, Sculpture, Wall pieces


INSTAGRAM :turovlin
facebook: Dina.Turovlin


Transforming a simple sheet of glass into a contemporary art sculpture, giving this fragile, rigid raw material movement, is a fascinating task for me. During many years, I have been working on my own, playing with transparencies, painting, creating textures, fusing, and slumping. Working with glass provides me the constantly joy but also challenges me in new technical skills, some of them, learned with teachers from abroad. Glass allows me to explore, to investigate its wide possibilities and process that impress me more and more. Many of my works are focus on Nature and human social behavior. After study a piece's intended purpose, I connect with this marvelous medium trying to bring this idea into glass. Therefore, each piece I design is unique. As an Uruguayan artist who has been honored by national awards and selected to participate in international exhibitions, I am impelled to continuously improve my performance in this magical world of kiln-forming glass.

2023- Selected work-“REFLEJADAS”- EUCD-Uruguay
2023- Awarded work- NCI- Uruguay
2022- Selected work- “VIDRIO UY”-FADU- Uruguay
2022- Selected work-“BIAVI”-Cartago Museum-Costa Rica
2022- Selected work-MAVA Museum -Spain
2022- Selected work- “ORDINARY TO EXTRAORDINARY” online exhibition CGS
2021- Selected work -” SUMMER ” online exhibition CGS
2021- Selected work-”OLD WORK-NEW PERSPECTIVE” online exhibition CGS
2021- Selected work- “TEXTURES/ HOW DO YOU FEEL?”online exhibition CGS
2019 – Awarded work – APPU- Uruguay
2018 – Awarded work – APPU- Uruguay
2017 – Selected work-online exhibition CGS
2017- Selected work -WTA -Uruguay
2017 – Selected work -HOTEL SPLENDOR -Uruguay

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER , 2012 -BB- Solo exhibition

WAVE , 2022- CGS- selection

VIGOR , 2023 -NCI -award

BLUE WARRIOR , 2022-MAVA MUSEUM -selection

¨POWERFUL HAND , 2022- Cartago Museum- selection

FRAGMENTS , 2017- CGS - selection


REBORN , 2022-FADU- selection

BRA 2023 , 2023- EUCD- exhibition