Region:North East England

World country:United Kingdom

Technique:Hot glass

Occupation:Artist, Student

Discipline:Decorative, Design, Functional

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Exhibition, Techniques

Product:Design/ Functional/ interiors, Sculpture

Country:United Kingdom


Hannah Masi

Hi, I'm Hannah and I am a Master's student with the University of Sunderland at the National Glass Centre, I got into glassblowing in my final year of my Bachelors degree and haven't been able to put down the irons since. My works typically have a comical twist to it as I pull apart reflective topics.

My work tells the story of the ADHD experience, an exclusive insight to the mind of an artist who can show you what the reality of ADHD is. Many people struggle with ADHD and to the outside eye this is not always seen, my work aims to bring those struggles to light and show the positives that ADHD can bring.

Dopamine dysfunction , Hannah Masi

What was the 21st Century like?

Together , Hannah Masi