World country:Japan
Technique:Engraving Flame working, Hot glass, Other
Occupation:Artist, Educator
Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Conferences, Education, Exhibition
Dominic Fonde
Dominic is based in Kobe Japan but exhibits his blown and engraved glass items all over the world. Projects for 2016 include shows in new York, Taipei and Tokyo.

The immortals dinner club. Short story engraved on handmade sake glass. , Yasutaka Akane

Honor amongst thieves. Drill engraved on sheet glass 297mm x 210. Dominic Fonde , Dominic Fonde

A Murder of Crows. Drill engraved on sheet glass 297mm x 210. Dominic Fonde , Dominic Fonde

Homecoming. Short story engraved on handmade bowl. , Dominic Fonde

The first of the gang to die. Drill engraved on sheet glass 297mm x 210. Dominic Fonde , Dominic Fonde

Sake story in 6 chapters. ????????? short story engraved on six handmade sake glasses , Yasutaka Akane

This town ain't big enough for the both of us. Drill engraved on sheet glass 297mm x 210. Dominic Fonde , Dominic Fonde
 Drill engraved on hand made bowl. dominic fonde. 2016. www.dominicfonde.co_.uk_.jpg)
Peacocks (detail) , Dominic Fonde

Three Sake Glasses , Yasutaka Akane

Bodyguards. Drill engraved on sheet glass 297mm x 210. Dominic Fonde , Dominic Fonde