Phone:07738 695 622
Region:Greater London
Technique:Casting, Kiln work
Occupation:Artist, Student
Discipline:Functional, Sculptural
Areas of Interest:Techniques
Product:Sculptural, Table ware, Wall pieces
Country:United Kingdom
Linda Scott
Art in all its forms has always interested me and for the glass work I produce, I derive my inspiration from life in general. The more I learn about the various glass techniques, the more I want to learn
The image on the left is ‘Timeless: All Bar One’ which exemplifies automated and physical worlds, contrasting technology in the form of barcodes and identity, resting on a bog oak wooden plinth. It marries the new with the old with each medium displaying different facets of time.

Tennis Bowl-Ball

Stripey Plate

Birds Taking Flight


Maybe ...

Timeless - All Bar One , photograph by PETER MEHTA

Female Torso

Fabric Vessel