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Jennifer Kelly

Calming and optimistic forms and colours are inspired by my interest in all things mystical. Small worlds that exist on a mossy forest floor, the spirit of a bird, and romantic historical artifacts influence my narrative. I enjoy exploring other mediums but always with the intent of translating or forming with glass. The creative process is a ritual that offers the greatest satisfaction. Through glass I can see our natural world as a magical, peaceful place. I have family ties to Scotland and England and spent some elementary school years in London, England. I currently live in Ottawa, Ontario. I am inspired by the mossy places in Europe and North America.

My work in sculptural glass intrigues me as it challenges the capabilities of kiln forming by relying on volume, shape, and gravity to create dimension. They celebrate the details that can be achieved with an intension and with time given to working in the kiln. The ethereal qualities of glass married with the fascinating science of its behaviour is endlessly intriguing. I am thankful for the ability to share my visual expression. My work ranges from miniature sculptures to large public installations. All with an optimistic look at our interconnectedness with our environment.

Guarding a Future , Jasmin Mori

Emerging , Jasmin Mori

Handwritten , Jennifer Kelly

Phoenix , Louise Tanguay

Fantastical Aleuria Aurantia , Jasmin Mori

Dancing For A Moment , Jasmin Mori

Aspire Wings , Sarah Evans

Connected , Jasmin Mori

Go For It , Jasmin Mori