Region:North West England
Technique:Casting, Kiln work, Leaded and stained
Discipline:Architectural, Fine art, Jewellery
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Marketing, Techniques
Country:United Kingdom
Britta Kuhnen
Fused glass artist with an interest in recycled glass. I have a first degree and MA in Art History and Theory, with a particular interest in architecture and architectural glass. I returned to university after a career in the computer games industry and obtained a CertHE in Applied Arts, specialising in glass. I now run my own glass studio in Liverpool, influenced by my theoretical and digital background.
Fused glass ornaments, jewellery and art mainly made from reclaimed float glass.
I have shifted most of my practise to work with recycled glass. I love making something out of a waste product such as picture frames and bottles and enjoy finding unusual ways to add colour and form to clear glass.
I am fascinated by the way glass can change what is around it with its colours and refractions.