
Region:South West England

Technique:Casting, Kiln work

Occupation:Artist, Educator

Discipline:Fine art, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Education, Exhibition, Networking

Product:Fine Art, Sculpture

Country:United Kingdom



Laura Dutton

I am an artist and art teacher currently working with glass. I have always been interested in the connection and tension between art and science and my work explores ideas around biological cycles, processes, disruptions and anomalies. I use glass casting and model making techniques and find and collect natural forms while out walking. I love nothing better than being in the woods hunting for natural treasures to use in my work.

My recent sculptures are organic in nature. They are inspired by and made from a range of sometimes strange and always wonderful natural objects and organisms. I have a particular love for fungi and slime moulds and for me they symbolise the beauty and complexity of the natural world and at the same time, hope for the future of our planet. For me, glass is the most magical, ethereal and sublime material and it captures something of the mystery and wonder of the world around us. My pieces are sometimes anthropomorphic and playful, at other times abstract and emotionally charged. Very often I explore ideas around corporeality, life cycles, ageing, growth and decay.

Buddy, Laura Dutton

Blushing Bolete, Laura Dutton

Reishi, Laura Dutton

Chicken Licken, Laetiporus sulphureus, Laura Dutton