
World country:Argentina



Mariana Sabbatella

Mariana Sabbatella is an art teacher and artist from the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a tertiary institute ceramic professor and has worked for 19 years at the Ceramic School in Chascomús city teaching ceramic, glass and molds. In 2020 she joined the Glass Experimentation Group of the Artist and teacher Andrea da Ponte when she began to make glass sculpture.

I love working with light, colours, textures, volumes and image on glass. Myworks are the result of a constant exploration of techniques and materials.
Moods and nature are my topics. My favourite technique is Digital image transfer on glass, experimental method created by Andrea da Ponte. I made laminated castings on glass ofbioluminescent gellyfish and mushrooms, with the luminescent glaze wich contains fluorite stone, that turns luminous at night or under UV light.

What we can t see , @martinsabbatellaascal

The King , @martinsabbatellaascal

Fidel taking his bottle , @martinsabbatellaascal

Jellyfish, pelagia noctiluca (UV light) , @martinsabbatellaascal

Through the rained glass , @martinsabbatellaascal

The waves , @martinsabbatellaascal

Autumn, four leaves , @martinsabbatellaascal

, @martinsabbatellaascal

Jellyfish 2, pelagia noctiluca (UV light) , @martinsabbatellaascal