Technique:Casting, Flame working, Kiln work
Areas of Interest:Competitions, Exhibition, Workshops
Instagramm: anne.notebaert
Anne Notebaert
Anne Notebaert is looking for the simple balance in nature, the beauty of the sea, the everyday things of life you meet everywhere without paying attention to them.
Her glasssware smells of the sea and touches the sky.
Her work comes from a fascination for sea acorns, little beauties on the beach. The first glassware was simple and poetic, later she tried to show a realistic image of seasponges.
Looking for new techniques and experimenting her work has become more abstract. So her work of art is more like a surprising, amazing creation. And this new emotion is not anymore related to the original marine animal. Only the astonishment of the first discovery lasts.
Sea-perfume , Notebaert Anne
Sea perfume , Notebaert Anne
Zeevonk , Anne Notebaert
Rood , Notebaert Anne
Buisjesspons , Anne Notebaert

Rimpeling , Anne Notebaert