

Technique:Casting, Etching, Kiln work


Discipline:Fine art, Installation, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Exhibition, Networking, Techniques

Product:Commission, Installations, Lighting, Sculptural



Oscar van der Linden

Oscar van der Linden (1958) I combine natural materials (such as felt, wood, wool and rope) in unusual ways to create glass sculptures and installations that draw on my subjective experience of cancer and recovery and the wider aesthetics of wellness and decay in the natural world. My graduate exhibition considered the affect of emotional state on the healing process and, in addition to traditional glass casts, included objects formed using contemporary 3D printing techniques and clinical props. Informed by my background in graphic design and photography, I also enjoy experimenting with the optics of glass using different polishing techniques to alter its surface texture, sometimes embedding text within the works.

I am currently beginning a study of Ernst Haeckel’s ‘Art Forms in Nature’ (1904) in relation to cellular photographs of cancer cells. Acknowledging the glass art legacy of Haeckel’s illustrations and their influence on Dutch proponents of the Art Nouveau movement, I propose to complement my intuitive response in glass with reference to the leaded-glass work of Willem Bogtman, relief sculptural decoration by Michel de Klerk and the graphic design examples of Theo Nieuwenhuis, located in the Scheepvaarthuis, Amsterdam.

Cancercell imunotherapy , Oscar van der Linden

Oyster , Oscar van der Linden

Life Cleaner , Oscar van der Linden

Caring , Oscar van der Linden

Bouquet of flowers , Oscar van der Linden

Importance of your own medicines , Oscar van der Linden

Oyster , Oscar van der Linden

Your own medicine, Assertiveness , Oscar van der Linden