
World country:United States

Technique:Casting, Flame working

Occupation:Artist, Educator

Discipline:Decorative, Fine art, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Education, Exhibition

Product:Fine Art, Sculptural, Sculpture

Country:United States


Robin Dine

I've been drawn to art my whole life and I now dedicate all my available time in the creation of my imaginations inspired by mythical beasts and personal reflection.

I’d like to believe that we have the power to make today better than yesterday, to focus not on adversity, but what we will achieve in the future. Holding on to the part of you who sees a brighter tomorrow, your child-like perception of the world, informs the narrative of the representational compositions of my work. I primarily use flameworking and the lost wax casting technique to create my pieces.


In Plain Sight

3 Neighbors

Luck in Spring

Hunger and Headaches

Dawn to Dusk