Roisin Francis
Roisin Francis (b. 1997, London, UK) is an artist based in London, working with glass, metal and print. This year she has completed her degree at City and Guilds of London Art school, with the degree show featuring her installation Out of the Ash. She won the Skinner’s Company/ Phillip Connard Travel Award, and was awarded the Sir Denis Mahon Sculptural Grant, both in 2020. Her work utilises impressions and traces left by objects and the human body to investigate ideas of loss and liminality.
I just want your shoes next to mine , Roisin Francis

Slice , Roisin Francis

Love Objects , Roisin Francis

Ghost (breast) , Polly Rothwell

Out of the Ash (installation detail) , Roisin Francis
I just want your shoes next to mine (detail) , Polly Rothwell

Out of the Ash (sole) , Roisin Francis

Ghost (hand and foot) , Polly Rothwell

Out of the Ash (foot) , Polly Rothwell