
Region:East of England

Technique:Kiln work, Leaded and stained, Painting


Discipline:Architectural, Design, Fine art

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Exhibition, Techniques

Product:Architectural, Commission, Fine Art, Wall pieces, Windows

Country:United Kingdom


Sally Howard

Working from my home studio in Fingringhoe, Essex, I work in stained glass using a combination of painted and fused glass, copper foil and lead work. My work includes architectural glass panels, wall and window hanging panels, gathering inspiration from nature and the local country and coastal areas.

Hedgerow in Mirror Stand , Sally Howard

Abstract , Sally Howard

Dragon Fly & Hedgerow , Sally Howard

Red Berry Hedgerow

Commissioned Window Panel , Sally Howard

Blue Dragon Fly and Berries , Sally Howard

Beech Leaves , Sally Howard

Mud Flats & Oyster Shells , Sally Howard

Rose Hips , Commissioned Piece - Sally Howard