
Region:South West England

Technique:Casting, Cold work, Hot glass, Kiln work

Occupation:Artist, Educator

Discipline:Decorative, Design, Fine art, Public art, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Education, Exhibition, Networking, Publications, Technical queries, Techniques, Workshops

Country:United Kingdom


Sigi Hill

Sigi works to creates sculptural and utilitarian pieces which have texture and colour that responds to her initial inspiration or brief.

2020 has seen Sigi produce work which on reflection was heavily influenced by the pandemic. The Change Series of 3 pieces is made up of ‘Still Waters’, Ripple’ and ‘Maelstrom’.

Coastal , Oliver Lane

Chiton - Precious Series , Oliver Lane

Clam - Precious Series , Oliver Lane

Wave Bowls , Oliver Lane

Moss , Oliver Lane

Change , Oliver Lane

Oyster - Precious Series , Oliver Lane

Transient Isle , Ester Segarra

Autumnal , Martin Phelps