Country:United Kingdom
Max Stewart
Max Stewart is currently Course Leader for the MA Design and Applied Arts course at the Wolverhampton School of Art where he teaches glass. Max took a PhD at Edinburgh College of Art in 2010, which investigated the techniques and methodology of the French pate de verre artist Amalric Walter (1870-1959). Max's work is in pate de verre and cast glass.
In his uncompromisingly brutal pâte de verre and cast glass work Max Stewart explores his own identity, and in doing so is unafraid to confront issues of gender and sexual experience. Throughout his work Stewart describes the human condition and places the viewer at the heart of the piece.

P*ss Mask , Photo: David Wotton
Mask 3 , Photo: Simon Bruntnell
The Notion of My Mind , Photo: Simon Bruntnell
And So (I Press My Lover's Palm to Mine) , Photo: Simon Bruntnell

The Sense of My Screaming Skin: Manifesting My Bipolarity , Photo: David Wotton