News | 28-05-2021

Glasgow graduates’ Art of Glass exhibition

Recent graduates from The City of Glasgow College will be presenting a curated collection of thought-provoking glass at the Art of Glass exhibition in Stirling, Scotland, this June.

The show is hosted by the Made in Stirling Store and presents work from the college’s HNC Art & Design/Art Glass course of 2019-2020.

The mixed media nature of the course led to a display of art combining traditional techniques and experimental craftmanship. Stained glass, kiln formed glass, casting and painted glass are all represented.

The exhibitors hope to inspire others to consider glass, in its many forms, as a new medium of artistic expression and increase awareness of the course nationwide.

Alongside the physical exhibition there will be an online tour and IGTV specials presented on Instagram via @madeinstirlingstore.

Made in Stirling Store is a show-and-sell concept shop and part of an award-winning charity arts project produced by its umbrella charity, Creative Stirling. Paul Jenkins, lead creative and curator, said, “We’re so happy we can finally provide the recent graduates with a dedicated, designed space within our store to showcase their artworks. It has been brilliant to see the exhibitors and our team in store become energised once again.”

Graduate Shonah Escombe, whose work is pictured, commented, With such an abrupt end to our course and when it all finished without celebration the way it did, for obvious reasons, we did not realise how much this show meant to us until we started working with the team at Made in Stirling Store.

Now it feels like we are having the end-of-year show we should have had. We are all excited about seeing each other again and getting that final push onto our individual artistic paths.

Made in Stirling Store is at 44 King Street, Stirling FK81AY, Scotland. The Art of Glass exhibition runs from 7 June to 4July 2021. It is open daily from 10am-5pm, with free admission.

Image of glass by Shonah Escombe as part of her Gin & Tonic’ collection. Photo: Made in Stirling Store. 

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