News | 16-03-2021

Glasmuseum Lette reopens with retrospective exhibition

Germany’s Lette Glass Museum is set to reopen its doors at 2pm on 20 March 2021 with the new exhibition, ‘Lette Glass Museum. Exhibitions and Collection 2016-2020’. The show will continue until 22 August 2021.

There will be no opening event, as this would not be compatible with the applicable hygiene and distance regulations in place because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The number of visitors is limited to a maximum of eight people per floor in the glass museum and a maximum of six people in the glass depot.

This year, collector and founder Lilly Ernsting, looks back and celebrates her 25 years of exhibiting and collecting with a special exhibition at the Glasmuseum Lette. 

A selection of objects acquired over the past five years at exhibitions and on travels will be displayed. There is also a catalogue offering insights into the museum’s activities during this period accompanying the show.

A series of in-house exhibitions and numerous journeys made across Europe bear witness to several busy years of collecting. During those years, 270 objects have joined the collection. From this rich assortment, 60 pieces have been selected to illustrate the museum’s broad exhibition and collection concept. 

Lilly comments: “The current show displays all the vibrancy and diversity of the collection itself, like a multi-coloured kaleidoscope revealing the exuberant creativity of the glass scene. These glass objects thus serve as a mirror of developments in art glass, in artistic concepts and in the applied techniques.”

Her maxims are to have direct contact with artists, frequent visits to galleries and museums, examine objects on site, and to talk with all those involved. She believes that this is the only way to maintain the continuity and quality of the exhibitions and collection. 

Contemplating all the activities and exhibitions that have developed since she began her modest private collection in the 1970s, Lilly exclaims, “Who would have thought!”

Opening times:
Glasmuseum Lette: Wednesdays and Saturdays  2-5pm; Sundays 11am-5pm
Glasdepot Höltingshof:  Sundays 11am-5pm.

Please note that, in accordance with the Corona Protection Ordinance, you must book your visit to the Coesfeld district in advance by phone or email for a one-hour time slot and leave your contact details with the museum.

The address is: Glasmuseum Lette, Letter Berg 38, D-48653 Coesfeld, Germany. Website: 

Image artist: Alena Matejka, Water (2020). Photo: Gabriel Urbánek.

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