GMTF Film Festival – watch now
Films selected for this year’s Glass, Meet the Future (GMTF) Film Festival are online to view now.
GMTF is hosted by North Lands Creative in Scotland and is dedicated to presenting a selection of new films pivoting around the medium of glass. The festival showcases a cross-section of international diverse and engaging short films curated and directed by female identified and non-binary filmmakers with glass as the predominant feature.
North Lands Creative states, “GMTF is a microcosm to explore the human relationship with glass and film, exploring dynamics with the physical and environmental context, together with the human and social context.”
It is “the amalgamation of material and ephemeral, glass and video” and dedicated to “exploring the stories of how art is made, how artists survive, how they think and work, and what makes creativity our most important skill”.
The 2023 line-up includes: Adele Fournet and Kazue Taguchi; Catriona Archibald; Jessalyn Mailoa; Kaitlin Santoro; Kayla Cantu; Lise Eggers; Madeline Rile Smith; Meadhbh McIlgorm, Jenny Keogh and Glass Society of Ireland; Rachael Harris; Alina Orlov; Beiwen Zhuang; Cassandra Jasulevicz; Chenyue Yang; Dafna Kaffeman; Erin Hoffman; Eve Boontje; Fionn Duffy; Hannah Gibson; Helen Lee; Inguna Audere; Ivana Rashlich; Jeanne-Sophie Aas; Jiemin Park; Julia Keenan; Lauren Aria; Louise Lang; Mad Conway; Maria Pechstein; Rinoi Imada and Milsbridgewater and Michaela Tkadleček; Simone Fezer; Sukhy Parhar; Vanessa Hafenbraedl; Vendulka Prchalová; Ying Chiun, and Zou Desbiens.
In addition, North Lands Creative has announced the commission of five new art works, exploring new ways of engaging with the materiality of glass in the digital era, as part of the GMTF Film Festival 2023.
The five artists awarded are: Chengyu Li, Estabrak / إستبرق , Rachael Harris, Riikka Haapasaari and Ying Chiun.
Unique in approach, the projects have been selected for their resonance with core human emotions and their relationship with material and expression.
The GMTF Film Festival at North Lands Creative is supported by Creative Scotland and presented in collaboration with Shanghai Museum of Glass.
Watch the films via this link.