Exhibitions | 28-06-2021

Latest CGS member exhibitions

If you are a member of the Contemporary Glass Society (CGS), you can submit your work to our regular exhibitions. Most of these are showing online currently, showcasing glass art to an international audience.

These events are a great way to gain visibility for your glass art. Some CGS exhibitions also allow you to offer the piece for sale.

Old Work/New Perspective

On now is the online glass exhibition, ‘Old Work/New Perspective’, wherein glass artists and designers have the chance to rediscover and display older work. Each piece is at least two years old. Almost 50 CGS members are taking part in this show, which highlights the diversity of talent and skill across the glass community.

View the pieces and read about each artist’s vision for the artworks via this link. Some pieces are for sale. This exhibition runs until 21 July 2021.

Summer Sunshine

If you missed out on this opportunity, why not submit an entry for the next exhibition? This will be a selected show on the theme ‘Summer Sunshine’. Let your imagination flow and create an artwork that celebrates the joy and vibrancy of the season. The submission window is open now (log in via your Member page on the website). The deadline is 12 July.

Summer Sunshine will be live on the CGS website from 26 July until 25 August 2021. Some of the successful artists will be online to introduce their work to other CGS members on Saturday 31 July. The log-in details will be emailed to members via the newsletter.

Animal Magic

If you can’t submit to Summer Sunshine, make a note of the following CGS online exhibition, ‘Animal Magic’, which will be open to all members and not a selected show. All creatures great and small will be welcome for this exhibition – including birds.

The deadline for ‘Animal Magic is 16 August 2021. Entries can be uploaded from 14 July until the closing date. The exhibition will be live online from 1 September until 10 October 2021.

Again, there will be the opportunity to meet the artists behind the artworks on Saturday 4 September 2021.

CGS turns 25 in 2022

The CGS celebrates its Silver Jubilee in 2022. There will be many events throughout the year as we mark 25 years of supporting studio glass makers. To kick things off, in January 2022 we are working with the National Glass Centre in Sunderland. For this exhibition, we will be looking for up to 20 CGS members to show all the amazing methods used by glass artists. The title is ‘It’s all in the Technique’. Look out for more details in due course.

If you are not yet a member, why not join today and become a part of our friendly glass community?

One thing is certain – 2022 will be a bumper year for glass and the CGS!

Image: ‘Jumping for Joy’ by Dominic Fonde. Currently showing in ‘Old Work/New Perspective’ exhibition. Photo: Yasutaka Akane.

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