Exhibitions | 08-03-2023

Modern European glass engraving exhibition and course at LWL Museum, Germany

An exhibition of European glass engraving featuring the work of 45 glass artists opens on 19 March 2023 at the Gernheim Glassworks, part of the North-Rhine Westphalian Industrial Museum (LWL-Industriemuseum Glashütte Gernheim), in Germany.

Visitors to the Gernheim Glassworks can also watch the glassblowers producing glass pieces that are then refined by cutting and engraving in the coldworking studios.

The glassworks features a landmark glass cone that came about as a result of a visit to Stourbridge, UK, in 1820 by German businessmen. They were so impressed by the cone furnaces there that they went home and built one on the banks of the River Weser, adding a small village for the workers around it. It has functioned as a working furnace ever since.

The engraved glass exhibition, ‘Gravur on Tour: Gernheim 2023’, runs until 9 September 2023. There is an illustrated catalogue of work by members of the Glass Engraving Network from Finland, Estonia, Czechia, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Romania, Ireland, Scotland and England. It costs €15.

There is also the opportunity to book a place on a wheel engraving course, run by Wilhelm Vernim, from 22-27 August 2023. There are spaces for 6-8 people and all abilities are welcome. It will be held in English and German and costs €650. More information via email to: glashuette-gernheim@lwl.org

LWL-Museum Gernheim Glassworks is at Gernheim 12, 32469 Petershagen, Germany. Find out more via the LWL website

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