New Cockpit Awards open for applications on 1 September
If you are a maker looking for free studio space and business mentoring in London, make a note to apply for the next round of Cockpit Awards this Autumn.
Opening for applications on 1 September 2023, Cockpit awards provide free or subsidised studio space at one of their London studios, plus one-to-one business coaching and a place on Cockpit’s business training programme. Successful applicants also join a thriving creative community of world-leading craftspeople.
Cockpit makers are selected for excellence in skill, originality of ideas, drive to grow their business or practice and ambition to contribute to the Cockpit community.
There is a variety of awards available, some of which are specific to a particular material or discipline, while others are open to all makers.
This time, there are eight awards open for entry. These include: the Arts Society GLA Award, for craftspeople using traditional skills – including those at risk of dying out; the new Bagri Craft Award, for a maker of Asian heritage working in any craft discipline; the Make It award, open to London-based makers aged under 26, which provides a two-year programme of support; the Newby Trust Award, for makers working in any craft discipline who are at a turning point in their skill development, plus the Grant-Turnstone Award, a new award offering a one-year programme funded by two Cockpit makers.
Those successful in the Autumn round will start in January 2024.
Applications open on 1 September 2023, with closing dates of 2 October and 6 November, depending on the award.
If you have any questions, or are unsure whether this is for you, get in touch with Cockpit via the contact form on their website. You are also invited to attend the Cockpit Awards Open Evening on 7 September 2023 (5.30pm-7pm) at Cockpit Bloomsbury, Cockpit Yard, Northington Street, London WC1N 2NP. This is an informal session where you can ask questions and learn more about the Cockpit Awards. Register to attend free here.
Find out more about Cockpit via the website.
Image: Glass maker Lulu Harrison is a past recipient of the Cockpit Glass Sellers’ Bursary, who makes glass from waste materials found in and around the River Thames. Photo: Cockpit.