New eBook on low temperature kilnforming
Glasgow-based glass expert Stephen Richard has released a new eBook to help intermediate-level glass artists overcome the problems of low temperature kilnforming.
Low temperature kiln work is difficult, but Richard has distilled his long experience into this detailed book. His knowledge is based on a lifelong fascination with glass, courses with glass masters, involvement with several glass organisations and successful management of the Verrier glass studio.
‘Low Temperature Kilnforming’ examines the reasons for failures and finds a range of reasons relating to elements of the layup. An even greater number of problems are related to scheduling.
Richard combines his long experience of diagnosis with his latest research on scheduling for low temperature firings. The results of his investigations into tack fused, and other low temperature, kilnforming are covered in this book.
It provides approaches to diagnosis and scheduling. The results of the research are outlined, and the results are presented in innovative schedules.
In addition, there are massive amounts of information in the appendices, which are accessed via links from the main text.
Many illustrations and inspirational images are included, too.
There are schedules for various profiles of tack fusing, slumping, draping, bending, bas relief, sintering, and freeze and fuse. Separate schedules are shown for Celsius and Fahrenheit users.
Bob Leatherbarrow comments: “I’ve had a good look at Stephen’s book. In my opinion firing projects at low temperatures, particularly slumping, are some of the most challenging processes in kilnformed glass. Stephen combines practical experience and research to enable artists to develop a better understanding of what is happening in their kiln. A valuable resource in our quest to banish the practice of praying to the kiln gods and goddesses.”
The book is available to download through Verrier Studio on Etsy via this link, or directly from Stephen Richard via email: stephen.richard43@gmail.com
‘Low Temperature Kilnforming; an Evidence-Based Approach to Scheduling’, by Stephen Richard. 2021, 295pp. 177 illustrations, 97 graphs and tables, index.
Image: Detail of the cover of the eBook ‘Low Temperature Kilnforming’.