Full Online Gallery Exhibition Schedule 2024!!

Take part! Contemporary Glass Society Online Exhibitions in 2024!

Spring Awaits....

Deadline – 22nd December. Live - 4th January, 2024

A new year is upon us and we start to look forward to longer days, light breezes and the sunny days of Spring. Spring – a word that conjures up gambolling lambs, crocuses breaking through the earth, trees dressed in greenery so bright it almost dazzles the eye and a gentle rise in temperature.

Brighten up the gloomy months beforehand by displaying a riot of joyous colour and budding beauty as we celebrate the awakening of the new life of Spring in all its blossoming, blooming gorgeousness!


Invitation to the Guild of Engravers - Makers Mark

Deadline – 23rd February. Live - 4th March

CGS has invited members of the Guild of Engravers to exhibit online with us. This is an opportunity for us to experience the exquisite craftsmanship and subtle beauty of engraved glass. In the “Meet the Makers” event, we also have the opportunity to hear all about the mysteries and techniques of a skill that most of do not possess.


Cycles of Life

Deadline – 26th April. Live - 6th May

From the smallest microbe to the biggest animal on earth - the Antarctic blue whale – we all experience the cycle of life from birth through to death. Shakespeare wrote about the 7 ages of man - the infant, the schoolboy, the lover, the soldier, the justice, the pantaloon, and old age. The rhythm of life has a powerful beat so show us your journey through the natural world – even your glass pieces go through a cycle of creation!


Cultural Traditions

Deadline – 21st June. Live - 8th July

Traditions develop around religion, holidays, food, dance, clothing, language, music, crafts and pastimes, or anything else important to your cultural background. Traditions help form the structure and foundation of our families and our society. Show us what is important to you and what your legends are.


Patterns: Composition and Design

Deadline – 23rd August. Live - 2nd September

A pattern is an arrangement of lines or shapes, especially a design in which the same shape is repeated at regular intervals over a surface. Patterns exist all around us. We can find a pattern in the trees, in passing cars, ice crystals, in our thought processes or in our clothes. A pattern is also an arithmetic sequence, regularity in the world, in human-made design or in abstract ideas. What does pattern mean to you? How do you express it in your work? Let us see your compositions!


It’s In the Word

Deadline – 25th October. Live - 4th November

Words, words, words! All our lives we use words to express ourselves, to tell stories, to make deals, in love and in anger. We lie, we joke, we make promises and even thump our political soapbox. How do you use words in your work? Do you start with words in a title and take inspiration from them or actually write within your glass? Use words to tell us about it.


Light and Dark

Deadline – 20th December. Live - 6th January, 2025

Day and night, black and white, bold contrasts made by shadows in stark sunlight – all are examples of light and dark. Darkness, is the direct opposite of lightness, is defined as a lack of illumination, an absence of visible light, or a surface that absorbs light, such as black. It is estimated that 99% of our universe is hidden in the dark – and as light travels at a finite speed, the further you look into the universe the further one looks back in time. Show us your contrasts, your extremes, even your explorations into space - boldly go where no one has gone before!


If you have any questions about taking part, please email Nicky at info@cgs.org.uk or cgsweb@hotmail.co.uk


Post date:23-05-2024


From Date:23/05/2024