Have you visited our current online glass exhibition “Cycles Of Life”?

From the smallest microbe to the biggest animal on earth - the Antarctic blue whale – we all experience the cycle of life from birth Preview Changes (opens in a new tab)through to death.  Shakespeare wrote about the 7 ages of man - the infant, the schoolboy, the lover, the soldier, the justice, the pantaloon and old age.

The rhythm of life has a powerful beat so we invited CGS members and glass artists to show us their journey through the natural world. Even their glass pieces go through a cycle of creation!

37 Contemporary Glass Society (CGS) Members took up the invitation - and here we show you what they produced!


Most work is for sale - please contact the artists directly to make a purchase.

If you need any help or have any questions about the show or taking part, PLEASE EMAIL info@cgs.org.uk



Post date:21-05-2024


From Date:17/05/2024

To Date:28/08/2024