Reactive Landscapes – Online Masterclass with Claire Hall

Just released - this 3 week online course will feature:

*Understanding reactions and how to make great samples.
*Using silver foil and reactive Bullseye glass to create stunning landscapes on 3mm sheet glass.
*Multiple low firings with added detail using screen printing and decals.
*Powder sifting with hand made stencils.
*Creating textures with frits and powders.
*How to work from photographs and images to recreate in glass.
*Understanding elements of design and composition.
*Tutorial with colour photographs and firing schedules.

Accompanying the course are 3 colour PDF Tutorials, a private Facebook group and each session is recorded.


Post date:06-03-2024

Region:UK wide

Category:Workshops/Short Courses


Contact Claire Hall

From Date:06-03-2024

To Date:30-04-2024