Ali Robertson

I am interested in resonance patterns, and flow, and find glass an intriguing medium in which to work. I also enjoy using enamels on glass in a painterly fashion.

Antolínez Dafny


Laura Rivolta

Recent Solo Exhibition, Imagen Vitral, Argentina, 2024.
Casa FOA exhibition, Argentina, 2023.
Salon del Vidrio exhibition, Argentina, 2023
Participated in the First Ibero-American Glass Biennial, Costa Rica, 2022.
Participated in open workshops for the International Year of Glass, 2022

Judith Glennie

At present I work with fused, painted and cast glass. My limited resources mean a concentration on glass that is fused then painted and cast forms. I enjoy modelling in clay then casting from these sculptures.
I hope to reintroduce sand blasting into my range of techniques in the near future.

Minh Dang

This series of works” Rank” invites you to have a view in a world where square is an ideal lifestyle. Each object is pursuing a dream, to be the squarest in the room. Showcasing perspectives on intense chaotic of competitive for an objective. Two different approaches: aiming to be the best or to be the first.

Ulrike Umlauf-Orrom

I have been working with glass for over forty years now, experimenting with many different techniques. For me it is the most fascinating material. Glass inspires me again and again to explore its wonderful qualities. I am moved by the change glass undergoes in my work: the transformation of clear sheets to saturated coloured shapes, the translucent melting structures with linear textures or expressive patterns. It is exciting to catch the light and bind it up, to weave it into a cloth of colour, air and light.

Julie Sittler

Laura Kriefman

Mariana Sabbatella

I love working with light, colours, textures, volumes and image on glass. Myworks are the result of a constant exploration of techniques and materials.
Moods and nature are my topics. My favourite technique is Digital image transfer on glass, experimental method created by Andrea da Ponte. I made laminated castings on glass ofbioluminescent gellyfish and mushrooms, with the luminescent glaze wich contains fluorite stone, that turns luminous at night or under UV light.