Stewart, Max

In his uncompromisingly brutal pâte de verre and cast glass work Max Stewart explores his own identity, and in doing so is unafraid to confront issues of gender and sexual experience. Throughout his work Stewart describes the human condition and places the viewer at the heart of the piece.

van Stiphout, JanHein


Kokai, Yuki

Holder, Maggie

Rooker, Kelly

I was recently involved with kiln casting dance panels from moulds I made after dancing the Red Hot Salsa Line Dance on a large slab of clay. I have also kiln cast a shoe, feet and shoe souls which combine with feet and foot prints. My theme is “Journeys” and this links my two projects together.

Watts, Rosamond

Selkie Glass

Summer 2019 work exhibited in Visit Scotland, Kirkwall and the Ness of Brodgar visitor centre
August 2019 to be exhibited in Grooves Gallery, Kirkwall
Please email to discuss any commissions or for details of work

Morris, Claire

My biggest inspirations are my love of nature, the stunning scenery, myths, legends and history of the UK. The UK provides me with a great range of sources of inspiration, from mountains, to ancient forests and stone circles. I feel blessed to live in a land that is so rich in the Earth’s bounties and with such a deep and varied history.

Gordon, Robert