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I completed my PhD research in 2021 and am now building on this research to create a new body of work which explore optical perception further.
In addition to my sculptural work I am currently working on two annual bespoke corporate award commissions, preparing information for teaching at Bild-Werk Franeau, Germany next Summer, and writing a paper to present at the GAS Conference 2024, in Berlin.
Heulwen makes glass table and dinner ware as well as developing a unique range of wash basins, tiles and splashbacks.
2019 – Stevens Competition 3rd Place and Commission Winner : The Gulf Stream Commission was installed at University College Hospital London in 2021 for the new Proton Beam Cancer Therapy Unit. Follow the journey for thecommission – and
2021 – Assisted with model making for Max Jacuard Studio
for Queen’s Jubilee Glass Installation in Tower of London for Queens Jubilee 2022 –
2022 – Designed and installed The Abundance Window for St Peter & St Paul Church Tonbridge
2023 – Currently working on a commission for The Nurses’ League, King’s College Hospital in the St Luke’s Chapel on the 1st floor – a single-arched leaded window celebrating the Nurses’ League Centenary for 2024 – ‘Lights in the Darkness’
I tend to go through various themes! Once my head is full of that theme it’s full steam ahead until I have had enough! Two years ago I worked in fused glass to create my own tartan plates and wall pieces. Last year it was fused glass fields of poppies and wild flowers using murino glass accessories. I also love creating stained glass birds in their environment. I have produced fused glass ‘journey maps’ which show places visited on a touring holiday. The outline of the west coast of Scotland is very demanding!
Although based in Kent I spend a number of weeks each year in Fife, Scotland and take inspiration from the coastline, colours and landscape there. I have recently been taking plaster casts of the ripples in the sand to slump glass and evoke memories of the beach.
Intrinsic connections to people and outdoor spaces are the driving force behind my work. My sculptural kiln formed vessels act as talisman to the past, present and future. They enable me to bring the outdoors indoors by way of their designs. I abstract away from the original inspiration, deconstructing and reorganising certain elements with the distinct intention of creating a sense of place within the work. The underlying recurring influences in my work are the shoreline, and coast, where the topography, crustaceans, pebbles, waves or rock-pools have been the starting point for the resulting artforms.
I like to use my initiative when interpreting a project brief and want my creations to be unique. In recent work I have been inspired by stained glass within Cathedrals. Looking at the colours, patterns and optical qualities of the windows in relation to the cathedrals in which they are placed and how they relate to Christian beliefs. Creating collections of vessels, tableware and wall hangings using various murine techniques.