Region:South West England

Technique:Kiln work


Discipline:Decorative, Sculptural

Areas of Interest:Competitions, Education, Exhibition

Product:Commission, Design/ Functional/ interiors, Sculptural

Country:United Kingdom


Rachel Nuttall

Rachel is a kiln-formed glass artist living in North Wiltshire. She bought her first kiln in 2019 and enjoys exploring pattern, texture and colour through various techniques. From a young age, Rachel has enjoyed visiting outdoor sculpture parks and exhibitions. She loves to make pieces for outdoor display.

In 2022, Rachel took part in the Caerbladon Gallery ‘Round these Parts’ exhibition and the Malmesbury High Street Gallery exhibition.
In 2023 Rachel exhibited 2 pieces in the New Beginnings Exhibition at Prior Gallery, Bristol, Malmesbury High Street Gallery, Sherston Arts Festival and CGS Bordering on the Herbaceous online exhibition.
Rachel is part of UK Glass Art Collective, a group of 14 glass artists who are holding two exhibitions this year – at CAN Coalville in March and Prior, Bristol in October.
Rachel also sells via a shop in Tywyn, Wales, the Athlestan Museum, Malmesbury and occasional local fairs and sculture trails.




The River runs Through
