Fiona Edwards

Foster, Stephen

Riley-Smith, Penny

Recent exhibitions have included the Broadbelt Hall, Glasshouses as part of the Niddart Trail 2019, and with the Contemporary Glass Society’s Glorious Glass Exhibition in St Helens, 2019

Browning, Karen

Gill, Mannings Cox

Currently immersed in developing a project based on the estuary where I live. Scope for a wide range of visuals from stream down to sea. Moving on from my favourite exhibition `Deep Surface’, 2001. The most recent elements of this new exploration are long, (3-4 feet) blown boats, deeply carved with the tide racing past.. Then comes underwater, green and dark with otters, maybe a seal. (This is the Taamar)

Young, Janis

Although I use whatever medium is appropriate for the issue being explored, my preferred medium is glass. My current work uses fused recycled glass as a sculptural medium.

Allen, Grace

Sharp, Grace

Parker, Grant

Making desk lights with fused & etched glass with programmable lighting from below has been very interesting.
I am an active member of the Stafford Art Group and work in diverse media.
I used my Glass fusing with electronics to provide Smart Light Frames (SLF) to display the back-lighting of my glass works mounted within a picture frame (mains and battery based).

Gregory Alliss

His recent practice is heavily focused on using recycled glass from Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) – the key component of old-style televisions. Beyond the immaculate façade of his intriguing objects lies mesmerising cloud formations. These patterns represent the flow of molten glass and the resulting information that spools across the optical boundary of the object. Gregory’s work draws you in; a gateway to the inner space where the subtle nuances of the material can be examined. He has since expanded his investigation to explore the production of glass art made from non-traditional raw materials