McEvoy, Sarah

Taylor, Sean

My flamework, especially my marbles, are strongly influenced by my interest in and love of mathematics, physics, symmetry, pattern and detail, both in nature, and in the abstract.

Adult Learning Lewisham

Radford, Selina

Candy, phillipa

Phil Vickery Glass

His work involves two representational concepts; one around the natural power behind thought, human nature, and how the subconscious is woven into this equation and relationship. And another, an evolution of technique representing nature, life, energy, and movement; gathered upon over and over again to make the internal twisting more encased inside clear glass to form an aesthetic of maelstroms in water.

Dunseth, Phyllis

I studied Architecture and Glass at Central St Martins because I thought I needed to get some experience with commissions. Whilst there I created nest sculptures employing found objects and glass. At present I am working on a mural on the theme of athletes; my aim is to bring my gestural paintings into my glass practice.My aim would be to do a hospital or church piece but I am content in doing diverse work meantime such as school commissions and eccentric machines involving glass

Piccolo, Brian

Stacey, Pippa

“In every piece of glasswork I do, drawing always comes first”
Glass gives my illustrative work an almost magical dimension
A strong sense of line is important together with the play on silhouette shape, shadows
and light
I enjoy ‘hiding’ imagery in my drawings, encouraging you to look more closely

D’Arcy, Phillipa