FLORA- A CGS selling exhibition inspired by artist Cathryn Shilling

We asked renowned glass artist Cathryn Shilling if she would provide the theme for our next inspiring opportunity for members to show and sell their work.

59 CGS Members show their work in this online selling exhibition, which was launched on 3rd April 2021. All work is for sale! Please contact the artists directly.

Cathryn says: “I have spent a significant amount of time this winter gazing out of my kitchen window into my garden and reflecting on the year that was. So, I would like to challenge CGS members to participate in a new online selling exhibition inspired by the incredible diversity of ‘Flora’.”


If you have any questions about the exhibition, please email us info@cgs.org.uk or if you’d like to join in with our shows you can JOIN here: https://cgs.org.uk/join-today/


“A POSTCARD FROM…..”A show inspired by Alan J Poole



A show inspired by Alan J Poole and a CGS selling online exhibition

27th February – 31st March 2021 www.cgs.org.uk

Through these difficult times, our minds sometimes wander to happy days, holidays and gatherings or just places we love to visit. So here we are – back in lockdown and this is an opportunity to take your minds off to distant shores and view inspired postcard size work by CGS members.

Alan J Poole invited our 950 members to make a small piece of work with a view or reference to somewhere that means something to them.

Take a look and enjoy fun pieces to lift your spirits..

58 CGS Members decided to take part in the exhibition which was launched on 27th February 2021.

All pieces of work are for sale at £50, £100 or £150. Please contact the artists direct to buy work.





International Open Exhibition: “HANDS ACROSS THE WORLD”

11th January to 26th February 2021

During the global pandemic, the Contemporary Glass Society has pursued a programme of connecting with and supporting our members through these dark and troubling times. So, our close community of artists wanted to extend hands across the world to invite International glass artists not only from the UK but also internationally who are not members of CGS to take part in a selected online exhibition.

There was no set theme for this show- the CGS wanted international glass artists to introduce themselves to members, collectors and the general public who visit our amazing new website www.cgs.org.uk.

24 International Glass Artists were selected, representing 17 different countries- a truly cross-cultural and extravagant offering of talent from across the globe!

Selected works will also be highlighted on all CGS social media sites.

The Contemporary Glass Society (C.G.S.) is widely regarded as the foremost organisation in the UK for promoting and encouraging cutting edge glass and glass-makers within the wider art world. Website: www.cgs.org.uk


That Which Inspires Us- An exhibition co-curated with Cathryn Shilling

Inspiration. It motivates us. Directs us. Shapes us and influences us in ways we may not be consciously aware of.

Inspiration is a complex tapestry of rich, disconnected and sometimes bizarre threads, spanning a lifetime of creative experiences.

This exhibition is my ‘tapestry’. It is very personal to me and within its threads are themes and motifs which have nurtured my creativity, as well as steered my practice in ways I am not even aware.

No two tapestries are the same. They are as individual as each of us. What inspires one person, may leave another cold. They can be tranquil, or vibrant. Monochrome, or technicolour. Minimal, or lavish. Above all however, they are stories and within the narrative of those rich and intricate threads, we are able to provide others with a glimpse of That Which Inspires Us.

Launched on Tue, 26 May 2020

Cathryn Shilling FSDC

“A” Is For Affordable: Glass Artists of CGS, A Selling Show

“A” Is For Affordable: Glass Artists of CGS, A Selling Show at accessible prices. (All work priced from £50 – £500)

This latest CGS online exhibition offers beautiful glass at affordable prices. The show will run from 1st November to 8th January 2021

A Selling Show at accessible prices (All work priced from £50 – £500) all work can be purchased direct from our members. Are you looking for that special Christmas present? Take a look at our inspired unique work and support creative people at the same time.




As Part of our Glass Games 2012 events diary, the CGS put together this exciting exhibition especially for the occasion. “Glass Games – a desire, a dream, a vision” brought the work of world-class glass sculptors to The Gallery in Redchurch Street, London hosted from June 13 to 23, 2012.

The following glass artists were selected to take part in this outstanding show of glass. Various works were displayed by each artist but this online exhibition shows a highlight from each artist that took part.

Glass Games 2012 is a summer of celebrations – an extravaganza of glass events that capture the Olympic spirit and bring the artistry, innovation and sheer brilliance of glass to more people than ever before.

Between June 1 and September 30, there’ll be more than 70 exhibitions, fairs, workshops and have-a-go sessions at venues throughout the UK.

GLASS GRADUATES OF 2020- Part of our CGS ‘Lockdown’ Series 4/6

“GLASS GRADUATES OF 2020” Part of our CGS ‘Lockdown’ Series 4/6

Glass Graduates 2020 have so much to show in their CGS online exhibition!

Every year the Contemporary Glass Society produces a Graduate Review for glass artists graduating that year. There are also prizes for excellence given alongside the Review. The Contemporary Glass Society (CGS) is the UK’s foremost organisation for supporting established artists, and up-and-coming makers. It was established in 1997 to represent the interests of glassmakers within the national and international community, and to promote contemporary glass in the wider art world.

Sadly this year because of the corona virus pandemic, the world has shattered for graduates. Their educational establishments have been shut prematurely; they have not been able to access workshops and studios to complete their final pieces of work or to even remove their work. Consequently their degree marks have been based on their ‘concepts’ rather than the work itself and their end of year Graduate Shows have not taken place.

Because of this, CGS has been unable to produce the 2020 Graduate Review.

However, we couldn’t leave students who were graduating in the lurch so we have launched Glass Graduates of 2020 (the Lockdown Exhibition.)

This is our first Graduate Show and we are excited to share graduates’ work with the public and glass making community. Despite the restrictions placed upon them, graduates have produced a dazzling and wide ranging demonstration of their ability and creative approach to contemporary glass.

Although we are not producing a Graduate Review this year, 2020 students will be invited to join students from 2021 in a combined production next year. Glass artists are always creative in making the best of the worst!

This show is highlighted on the CGS website for the month of August 2020.


“Digital Distance”- Approaches to Digital Technology

The CGS invited member glass artists that utilize new technologies (e.g. within digital fields) within their glass work, to take part in an international online glass gallery exhibition.

What do we mean by digital technology? It can include digital production technologies such as CAD (computer assisted design) & CNC manufacturing (multi-axis milling, laser cutting, 3D prototyping, computer assisted manufacture, etc.).

It can also include digital audio, imagery and video. And works that ‘sums up’ digital technology e.g. pixelation for example.

22 CGS glass artists were selected by the CGS team, to take part in this online exhibition. The resulting work is detailed and considered and interesting to read about.

As with all our exhibitions, this online show will be shown and advertised across all our Social Media platforms.

Thank you to all those that entered work.

The show was launched on 20 May 2019.


As part of our CGS Lockdown Series of Online Glass Exhibitions, we put a call out for CGS members to submit an image of something that inspires them.

This online exhibition will be a follow-up to the show that Cathryn Shilling co-curated with us 3 weeks ago. We are hoping that you will have been inspired by Cathryn’s talk (the link to her Zoom presentation can be found in a recent CGS bulletin).

Cathryn discussed:

“Inspiration. It motivates us. Directs us. Shapes us and influences us in ways we may not be consciously aware of. ”

Her show is here: https://cgs.org.uk/exhibitions/which-inspires-us-cathryn-shilling

So, what inspires you as an artist? Motivates or directs your work? Is there an image that represents that?

13 CGS selected glass artists that submitted an image for consideration.

The show was launched on 23rd July 2020


An exhibition of 63 glass artists selected by the CGS

The Politics of Sameness- Bowls  (1st of the lockdown series)

In a time of uncertainty and fear surrounding Covid-19, the virus, the CGS thought it would be constructive to set up a more frequent series of exhibitions, to engage and occupy our members. For this first exhibition, we set a challenge to our glass artist members, to see how many variations of a round bowl members could imagine!

The humble bowl is a vessel, that is used in so many different ways, and is a simple iconic shape. We know however, that the creativity and artistic imagination that our CGS glass artists will put into their work- the results will be spectacular.

63 glass artists that are CGS members took part in the exhibition. The exhibition, as with all others, was juried.

There will be 1 calendar month between each ‘lockdown’ show.

This 1st on-line exhibition was launched on 29th April 2020.


Work and quality of images needs to meet our photography criteria. There is guidance HERE for photography for our other online shows.