Bunn, Beverley

I create kiln-formed wall art, functional pieces and sculpture, to commission and for galleries. I regularly develop collections for both solo and joint shows locally, and take part in South East Open Studios. I teach small groups in my studio and I am currently developing a range of panels for more commercial settings.

Blue Design Shed

I sketch ideas, cut fabrics, copper and glass and paint my work in my shed, accompanied and sometimes assisted by my cockapoo, Monty. I fire my work overnight in my kilns in the shed. First thing in the morning, I get to open it and see what time and heat have created.

Harris Cowley, Becky

Stourbridge Glass Museum

Philip Baldwin & Monica Guggisberg

They thrive on assemblages of works with thought-provoking themes. Large installations and major exhibitions in public spaces, such as“Under an Equal Sky”, Canterbury Cathedral 2018,“Walking in the Void”, Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark 2020,“Amphore-Métaphore”, Musée du Verre François Décorchemont, Conches, France 2022, and“Dans le Labyrinthe: Un Voyage Liminal”, Vitromusée Romont, Switzerland 2023, reflect their concern for the shared conditions of our times, highlighting some of the challenges while continuing to express their love for beauty.

Whatley, Stephanie

During my years of self-employment my work has been predominantly commission work. I studied at the City of Glasgow College 2019/20 to enhance my skillset, exploring my own ideas and developing my artistic expression.
With a background in psychological and therapeutic approaches and knowledge in psychotherapeutic frameworks, system-theories as well as constructivism, my personal interest away from commissions lies in capturing associations and networks.
Currently I am experimenting with ideas of nature, nurture, motherhood and modern lifestyle which also touches on our ambivalent connections to the natural world, technologies, and social-economic perspectives. If you are interested in this side of my work, please have a look at my personal Instagram account: @stephanie_whatley_glass

Swann, Bill. MA

Fused,cast and hot glass with inclusions, Commissions, Architectural and gallery work,courses. Recently obtained MA in Applied Art and Design from Wolverhampton University
Next one man exhibition installation is The Colour Of India starting May 2014 and touring throughout Wales until December 2015. See www.billswannglass.co.uk for more details
Recent introduction of bronze cast figures in sculptural pieces

Browne, Bob

Leatherbarrow Bob

Recent projects involve some installation pieces and learning new skills in coldworking and lampworking.

Shpeizman, Boris