Cock, Christina

Christine De Ionno


My work embodies my former life as a dancer, full of fluidity and movement. I endeavour to avoid the conventional and create pieces that are curvy, tactile and textured. The Pate De Verre technique particularly interests me and my work usually becomes the sum of many smaller pieces that eventually evolve into a much larger whole. After a recent trip to Thailand I am currently working on some Coral inspired pieces.

Daniels, Christine

Withers, Christine

Yeates, Christine

Day, Christopher

McElhatton, Christopher

He has exhibited his paintings, prints and installations at the Forum in Norwich and The Belfry Arts Centre Overstrand with the Contemporary Glass Society, the Pond Gallery Snape Maltings, the Aldeburgh Gallery, the Peter Pear’s Gallery Aldeburgh, with the Sudbourne Park Printmakers Group, 54 The Gallery Mayfair, 22 Bishopsgate, Stonehouse Estate Open Studios. At present installing solar panels on the studio roof and a Tesla Battery (see the photograph on my website in the commission’s gallery)

• The landscape of East Anglia in the changing seasons inspires his work.

Sinclair, Susan

Creating layered texture using sintered glass to achieve a variation in palettes; combining sintered glass with pâte de verre.

CJ Dyson