“Spring Awaits….” Launched on 17th January 2024

A new year is upon us and we can start to look forward to those longer days, light breezes and sunny days of Spring. Spring – a word that conjures up gambolling lambs, crocuses breaking through the earth, trees dressed in greenery so bright it almost dazzles the eye and a gentle rise in temperature.

Brightening up the gloomy months of winter, this online glass selling exhibition displays a riot of joyous colour and budding beauty as we celebrate the awakening of new life in 2024.

CGS challenged member glass artists to submit their interpretations of Spring!

Launched on 17th January 2024

53 CGS glass artists exhibit their work. Most work is for sale.

Please contact the artist directly in order to buy work.



“Wearable Glass”  Launched on 6th November 2023

“Wearable Glass”

Earrings, bracelets, rings, brooches and necklaces are just a few of the different types of glass that are wearable – they can be made in a range of glass making techniques and can be delicate, elegant, flamboyant, chunky or just crazy!

In this online selling exhibition, we wanted  to see the range of wearable glass that can be produced. This could be practical, everyday wearable pieces or exotic, avant-garde wear for that ultimate fashion statement.

24 Contemporary Glass Society members flaunt their wearable glass in all it’s forms.

Launched on 6th November 2023



High and Mighty! Live on 4th September 2023

High and Mighty!

Theme: Architecture/structural glass

We live in glass buildings – both commercial and residential. We are surrounded by glass as a building material. Typically it is used as transparent glazing material within the building envelope but we know what else it can be used for!

Windows, wall panels, ceilings, bar fascias, feature sculptures – all can transform their surroundings with colour, light, pattern, texture and design! A building is given personality, gravitas, exuberance or comfort by the inspired use of decorative glass. So in this online exhibition, we invited CGS Members to have the opportunity to flaunt their glorious architectural glass.

17 glass artists took part.

This is a selling show, so please contact the artists directly regarding purchases or commissions.

For show enquiries please email Nicky at info@cgs.org.uk

‘Small But Magnificent’ 

This Contemporary Glass Society online selling exhibition: ‘Small but Magnificent’ was launched on 3rd July 2023.

It features 61 CGS Member Artists who responded to the following:

“As the saying goes, “It’s quality not quantity that counts”. So artworks do not need to be large, dominant or take up space to be of value or to inspire. Smallness can be just as magnificent as a huge piece of sculpture.

This online selling exhibition is looking for little pieces of gorgeousness which are no bigger than 15cms in any aspect. They can be jewellery, beads, bowls, small artworks – really anything that is little, beautiful and inspiring. Flaunt that glass – let it be small but magnificent!”

Most work is for sale!  Please contact the artist directly.

Bordering on the Herbaceous. Live – 1st May

Bordering on the Herbaceous.

Summer is coming! Those long days of sunshine and flowers when we spent so much time out and about. Imagine those beautiful sculpture gardens that you visit, those ornate structures peeking out from herbaceous borders or glass works positioned amongst the flowers and trees.

Our online exhibition is an invitation to share the gorgeous work that you have created decorating garden borders or acting as a sculptural focal point. We want to celebrate works that are designed and made specifically for the great outdoors. Almost all the work is for sale, so brighten up your garden.

‘Expanding Boundaries’ – An Open Online Glass Exhibition for non-UK glass artists. CGS presents over 100 artists from 35 countries worldwide.

We kickstart 2023 with our second Contemporary Glass Society Online Glass Exhibition: ‘Expanding Boundaries’- An OPEN Show for non-UK glass artists and non-members.

Over 100 international glass artists from 35 countries took part.

Most work is for sale!

Please contact the artists directly if you are interested in their work.

The Contemporary Glass Society is the UK’s foremost organisation supporting both established glass artists and up-and-coming makers. Our mission and passion are to promote contemporary glass among the art world and wider public.

For us, 2023 is about expanding horizons – looking beyond our natural boundaries and out into the world.

So this online glass exhibition was an open call to all non-UK based glass artists to share their work with us!  We want to learn and understand what glass art is out there, outside our borders.

Join us in this online exhibition exploring and discovering the diversity of the glass world and celebrating our worldwide glass community!!

A huge thank you to all those international glass artists that took part across the globe!! We are completely thrilled to be sharing their work with you.

  1. Argentina
  2. Iran
  3. New Zealand
  4. USA
  5. South Africa
  6. Canada
  7. Australia
  8. The Netherlands
  9. China
  10. Peru
  11. Japan
  12. Belgium
  13. Germany
  14. Denmark
  15. Serbia
  16. France
  17. Poland
  18. Finland
  19. Czech Republic
  20. Israel
  21. Lithuania
  22. Ireland
  23. Estonia
  24. Turkey
  25. Costa Rica
  26. Russia
  27. Bulgaria
  28. Mexico
  29. Switzerland
  30. Latvia
  31. Spain
  32. Uruguay
  33. Romania
  34. Slovenia
  35. Cyprus


As a charity, the CGS do not take any commission. We simply ask that you share their work and our posts – as we are here to support glass artists and share their work internationally.

If you have any question about the show, please email info@cgs.org.uk or cgsweb@hotmail.co.uk

Launched 1st March 2023

“Covid Creativity”. Launched on 21st January 2023

Work is for sale! Please contact members directly to purchase work.

The pandemic was a frightening and challenging period for us all. For many it meant illness and the loss of loved ones, for others loneliness and isolation. However, there were those for whom lockdown gave the opportunity to stop and review both their lives and their creative practice. Out of misery there came a flowering of ideas and new work.

We asked members if they were one of those able to create something new and interesting during lockdown. As we launch into a new year, our first online selling exhibition of 2023 offers an insight into this flowering where darkness turned to light.

It is fascinating to not only see what they made but also to hear about their experience behind it.

(An exhibition for CGS members only.)


“Holiday Heaven” Online Exhibition- Postcards that are still for sale.

“Holiday Heaven” Online Exhibition

2022 has been a fantastic year for contemporary glass! Not only has it been the International Year of Glass but the Contemporary Glass Society also celebrated its 25th anniversary. In addition, the International Festival of Glass was held at Stourbridge for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.

To mark the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham in 2022, CGS decided to dedicate its exhibition at the Festival to the amazing countries and people of the Commonwealth. So over 100 glass artists took a magical mystery tour and produced postcards featuring the richness of countries ranging from Australia to Maldives, from New Zealand to Malta, from Singapore to Tanzania. Commonwealth countries are diverse – they are amongst the world’s biggest, smallest, richest, and poorest countries. We celebrated their sites, fauna and flora, sea world, agriculture, and industry and just their uniqueness in a small piece of glass holiday memorabilia.

Over 50 of these small and unique artworks from the original exhibition were sold but CGS still has a range of marvellous pieces which can be seen below.

All these Holiday Heaven pieces are for sale and looking for a home to fly to.

Please contact admin@cgs.org.uk if you are interested in becoming the proud owner of a piece of Commonwealth magic!

CGS is most grateful for the generosity of our sponsors for the event, Mark Holford and Alan J. Poole

“Access Happiness!” An affordable online selling show with accessible prices. Launched on 7th November 2023

(All work priced from £50 – £500) from 7th November – 30th Dec

The end of the year and Christmas is coming!  Celebrate what makes you happy and how you can spread joy through your work. “Access Happiness!” is an affordable selling show with accessible prices. (All work priced from £50 – £500).

Introduce others to an amazing range of special Christmas presents, inspire them to look at our gloriously unique work and enable them to support creative people at the same time.

Thank you to all those CGS glass artists that submitted work.



“The Human Condition”- Launched on 5th September 2022

“The Human Condition”
5th September – 31st October. Then permanently in our Gallery area.

So, what makes us human? What characterises the essentials of human existence from birth and continues throughout our lives?
We invited our CGS Members to ponder on birth, growth, emotion, aspiration, conflict and mortality or simply demonstrate through their glass what makes them who they are.
Celebrating their own personal condition to let their glass do the talking. They show us what they love, hate, fear and what they hope for.